Splash of Code Client
Latin band that performs live at local San Diego bars. Nightly, they drive their fans to their site where they can view videos and upcoming events. This was developed on WordPress.
Splash of Code Client
Latin band that performs live at local San Diego bars. Nightly, they drive their fans to their site where they can view videos and upcoming events. This was developed on WordPress.
Web Design & Development Freelance Company
This was my freelance company that I started upon graduation. I specialized in WordPress custom theming and development. Along with web design, my services included print and logo design.
Splash of Code Client
Evolv Efficiency Solutions is a smaller website that features what their company offers in an interactive JavaScript slide. I partnered with a designer who provided the comps and I developed the site.
Splash of Code Client
Mountain Health was in need of a primary logo and one for each clinic location. I designed a clean logo that double as a letter “M” and a mountain range.